Cartooning machine for plastic bottle

Cartooning machine for plastic bottle

This customer is from Thailand whom in demand of an automatic cartooning machine for their plastic bottles packing, they have 3 bottle sizes and 2 type of packing formats, which are 1*3 and 2*6 packing formats. And bottle sizes as per drawings offered, but the box design not yet fully designed ready which will be designed to suit the box requirement of our cartoning machine. And the sealing way should be hot glue sealing.

The speed requirement as below:

1. 1*3 format is 60 box/min (max. speed about 20% more than requirement speed so machine max speed is about 72 box/min);

2. 2*3 format is 30 box/min (max. speed about 20% more than requirement speed so machine max speed is about 36 box/min);

And the cartooning machine will connect to bottle filling machine, so need to equip bottle arrangement and feeding in the cartoning machine.

According to these requirements, we equipped automatic cartooning machine, protection enclosure and feeding system.



Contact: Ms April

Phone: 86 15021555215

Tel: 021-68009891

Email: wanshenpacking@163.com

Add: Building 16, No.530, Huicheng Road, Pudong District, Shanghai,China

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